• Advice - Beginners - Gardening

    How to Save Cilantro Seeds for a Continuous Harvest

    Cilantro is a versatile herb with a distinctive flavor, commonly used in various cuisines worldwide. If you’re a cilantro enthusiast, you know how frustrating it can be when this herb bolts and goes to seed, effectively ending your fresh cilantro supply. But here’s the good news: you can easily save cilantro seeds (also known as coriander seeds) to ensure a continuous harvest. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the…

  • Advice - Beginners - Gardening

    Embrace the Wild: Create a Friendly Habitat for Overwintering Creatures

    As the temperatures drop, and the days grow shorter, it’s common practice to tidy up the garden and clear away dead or withered plants. However, what if we told you that leaving dead plants behind for the winter can be an act of kindness to support our feathered and six-legged friends? In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of letting nature take its course and leaving some of those…

  • Advice - Beginners - Gardening

    Wrapping Up the Asparagus Season: Your Go-To Guide for End-of-Season Care

    Photo by Rick Whittle on Unsplash As the gardening season winds down, it’s time to shift our focus from nurturing our asparagus plants to preparing them for a well-deserved winter rest. Proper end-of-season care is essential to ensure a successful asparagus harvest next year and maintain the overall health of your asparagus bed. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the essential steps you should take to get your…